B Corp (Pending)

We have not been trading long enough to become B Corp, however, we have made the commitment to take this step as soon as we are able.

In the meantime, we've signed up to the 'Pending B Corp' initiative. We have completed our B Impact Assessment, and already meet the legal accountability requirement. This means we have incorporated stakeholder governance into the legal structure of HDC, so we are legally accountable to our workers, customers, clients, the communities in which we operate, and the planet.

Environmental pledge

We are carbon negative. Reducing our emissions, and offsetting what we can't.

We are planting trees, 10 for every employee, every month.

We are plant-based. Shifting from animal products to plant-based diets has a high potential for reducing carbon footprints and mitigating climate change.

We also commit to regularly reviewing our policies, to see what else we can do to make a positive impact on the world around us.

bird eye view photography of a green trees
bird eye view photography of a green trees

Corporate Digital Responsibility

We are supporters of the International CDR Manifesto, and promise to adhere to the seven principles.